Rubin, A., Rios-Touma, B., Power, M.E., Saffarinia, P., Kondolf, G.M., 2018. Prey Availability as an Evaluation Metric in Riparian Restoration: Lower Colorado River, USA. Restoration Ecology.
Patrick, C.J., McGarvey, D.J., Larson, J.H., Cross, W.F., Allen, D.C., Benke, A.C., Brey, T., Huryn, A.D., Jones, J., Murphy, C., Ruffing, C., Saffarinia, P., Whiles, M.R., Wallace, J.B., Woodward, G., 2019. Precipitation and temperature drive continental to global patterns in stream invertebrate production. Science Advances.
Nguyen-Phuc, B., Demetropolous, C., Stewart, S., Saffarinia, P., Salgado, J.S., Hawkins, E., Fredrick, A.R., and German, D.P. 2020. Nutritional physiology of the Santa Ana Sucker (Catostomus santaanae): a threatened freshwater fish endemic to southern California. Acta Zoologica.
Patrick, C.J., Anderson, K.E., Brown, B.L., Hawkins, C.P., Metcalfe, A., Saffarinia, P., Siqueira, T., Swan, C.M., Tonkin, J.D., and L.L. Yuan. 2021. The application of metacommunity theory to the management of riverine ecosystems. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 8: e1557.
Holmes E.J., Saffarinia P., Rypel A.L., Bell-Tilcock M.N., Katz J.V., and Jeffres C.A. 2021. Reconciling fish and farms: Methods for managing California rice fields as salmon habitat. PLOS ONE 16(2): e0237686.
Rypel, A.L., Saffarinia, P., Vaughn, C.C., Nesper, L., O’Reilly, K., Parisek, C.A., Miller, M.L., Moyle, P.B., Fangue, N.A., Bell-Tilcock, M., Ayers, D. and David, S.R. 2021. Goodbye to “Rough Fish”: Paradigm Shift in the Conservation of Native Fishes. Fisheries.
Saffarinia, P., Anderson, K.E. & Herbst, D.B. 2021. Effects of experimental multi-season drought on abundance, richness, and beta diversity patterns in perennially flowing stream insect communities. Hydrobiologia.
Saffarinia, P., Anderson, K.E., & Palenscar, K.T. 2022. Effects of urban spatial and temporal heterogeneity on benthic macroinvertebrate and diatom communities. Fundamental and Applied Limnology.
Manuscripts in review/revision
Saffarinia, P., Conway, R., & Anderson, K.E. 2022. Aspects of flow variability and spatial context predict temporal beta diversity in river metacommunities. In review at Freshwater Biology. Preprint: